So I've at last done it. Compiled just the items of clothing that you need in your closet. I have, for the past year, been endlessly fascinated by the concept of "simple style"; simple is timeless, it's chic.
My mom has a close, Parisian friend, Dominique, who not only understands but exemplifies this timeless simplicity. She does this by maintaining an edited wardrobe of pieces of the highest quality. It's small; I would guess smaller than your wardrobe (definitely smaller than mine). She has one fabulous white t-shirt instead of ten. She never looks into her closet in the morning and thinks, "I have nothing to wear!".
Andrée Putman said it best: "I love America, and I love American women, but there is one thing that deeply shocks me . . . American closets. I cannot believe one can dress well when you have so much."
Below is my list of the bones of a chic closet. I have created a Polyvore account; my username is keelyhenesey (to follow me go here). This account has each of the following articles of clothing in my "items"--but no others. On that account I will start constructing as many outfits as possible with just these "bones". I will also post pictures on the blog.
Remember that you may have versions of many of these items--I do. However, over time I hope to slowly throw out duplicates and replace them with versions that flatter that flatter my shape the most (as well as being of the finest quality). Enjoy!
Love this list so much and your sets on polyvore are ao inspiring :-)